The 32nd Youth Council, organized by the Community Volunteers Foundation (TOG) to allow young people to freely share their ideas and attended by young people from 63 provinces, took place with the main sponsorship of Enerjisa under the slogan "We Volunteer for a Sustainable World". The 32nd Youth Council was held at the Istanbul Planning Agency Florya Campus (IPA) from September 22nd to 25th.
Implemented with the theme of Sustainability on the 20th Anniversary of the Community Volunteers Foundation, the 32nd Youth Council has been taking place every year since TOG's establishment with the participation of young people representing TOG Communities from all 81 provinces. Every year, young people take part in panels and conferences with expert speakers, share their social responsibility projects and dreams, and enjoy concerts and theater performances in the council, which is organized by a different TOG Community each year in their own city.
The 32nd Youth Council, with the participation of nearly 300 young people, took place at the Istanbul Planning Agency Florya Campus (IPA) from September 22nd to 25th with the main sponsorship of Enerjisa and contributions from the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Istanbul Planning Agency, Avcılar Municipality, and the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline Company (BTC).
They had fun and learned at the same time
In the council attended by nearly 300 people from 63 provinces, young people came together with expert speakers in panels for four days, shared their social responsibility projects, and inspired each other by sharing their experiences. They also discussed the problems and solutions in their local areas, as well as their needs. Bekir Ağırdır also conducted a session on the needs and future dreams of young people. As part of the program, the Dian Art Group, established by volunteer youth, performed a theater show, while a music group consisting of young people from Samsun gave a concert. The program concluded on September 25th with a concert by Melis Karaduman, supported by Kültür A.Ş.